Wednesday 17 November 2010

Storyline idea

Games ‘Story’
The main character you play as is a member of the ‘Polar mafia’- The polar bear God Father’s right hand penguin. There have been far too many fisherman as of late, and it’s leaving the ‘family’ with little food for themselves; they’re taking it too far. The Godfather wants you to sabotage there catches before it gets onto the deck, by snatching back the fish. Your aim is to prevent the fisherman from taking too much fish, without notice (hence the sliding on the blocks of ice around the ship); by intervening every fishing boat and lessening their catches.

Originally I wanted the main character to be a polar bear but moved very quickly to a seal then penguin. How they slide so much better on ice and how penguins have such a formal appearance.
Hence the mafia style to it was born.

Penguin development designs

Godfather sketches and simple level design

Anatagonist, scene conept, pet whale and points designs

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